Rachel 1.1

I want to talk about my second cousin Rachel.
She was 10 years younger than me, more like a baby sister then a second cousin and she called me uncle Terence although I'm out of her family tree.
Well, her mother, cousin Gwen was more closer to me then my step sister. She was the only one in my paternal family who said she won't severed relationship with me when I told them I was gay.
And, about a month later, she called me. Crying, heartbreaking. She told me her husband was having an affair. She didn't know what to do, she wanted to divorce but afraid that would frightened her child. So I suggest that I can take Rachel with me to Prince George during holiday.
Then, she came, my little angel. Castana, pale but healthy. Blue dress, children shoes, brown suitcase with her exhaust mother stand ahead.
Gwen was smiling, bitterly. She was silence, curiously.

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