I had a dream about sneaking into a house which has a big backyard with Rachel and Cindy and Andrew. I didn't feet like doing anything, I probably just sat in the room for a while, admired the decoration or something. Nothing bloody happened until I went out, saw the baby in the backyard. I think we were on a heist because in the end Rachel said something about the 'robbing' stuff. Ok, when I got into the yard, I saw an extremely creepy baby. He was like the baby in sims, ugly, looks terrible. He terrified me and I shot him, knee-jerk reaction. When he was died, his corpse was even more... alien like. So I walked away quickly, told Andrew I need to go home, then ran.
Next morning, Rachel sent me a message. She said the heist was succeeded, but a baby died. She told me that she believed it wasn't me who killed the baby although I was the only one who wasn't inside at the time, and asked me wether it was true or not. That was the first time I felt wrong about this, about killing that baby. Her "Uncle Terence" was like a magic word, freed all my guiltiness, conscience, whatever was good in me. I lied of course, told her I didn't do it.
Then I was awaked. I knew this was a dream but man, it surely wasn't comfortable...

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